Thursday, July 23, 2009

So adding to my previous entry, I hooked my iPhone to my blog... So now I can bore people at will. I can also Twitter from my iPhone, and Twitter about my blog, and I can Digg my blog after I Twitter it... On my iPhone. It's disgusting, the tentacles of the social networks are slowly taking over. If you wanna see something really iPhone cool, check out my Twitter, there is an app in the works that can use the iPhone camera and find them on social networks. It's amazing facial recognition... It's really scary too....

The inexorable pull of the net...

It seems that all of humanity is being slowly sucked into a massive black hole. The rate of this slide is accelerating at an amazing pace. The internet, the once expected saviour of humanity, the panacea of knowledge and information exchange, the great white hope... is now dominated by Facebook and Twitter, and Myspace. Social networking is the raison d'etre for the internet.

And as I rage about it I'm sucked right in. I joined twitter and am kind of a junkie, a little post here a little there. A quick check for mentions and replies. A little sneak peek won't hurt anybody, will it? Do you think that the patient in room 3 would mind waiting for 3 minutes while I tweet about how funny their kid's name is? Wait a second while I examine the babies and I'll be right back to finish this...

I just 3 minutes ago joined Digg, so that I can influence the vast unwashed masses. "Here is what I think matters", now follow blindly... Digg sort of has a purpose it seems, million of users sift through billions of pages and hopefully a little gem is washed out of the detrus. Yet, the black hole pulls, millions of people are on the net sifting... Not working, not doing their respective jobs, not talking with their fellow man, not living life. Did I mention that the patient in room 4 has been waiting for me for about ten minutes?

In my own home the vortex is becoming more powerful. My wife enjoys her facebook, she is absolutely enamored of it. About a year ago she really fought me about getting an iPhone, "what do I need it for?", "It's a toy for overgrown boys", "I only need a phone for emergencies and a few friends/family". On and on, but she relented, and now... Suffice to say it's usually the last thing in her hand at night (unless I've been especially charming that day)and the first thing she picks up come sunrise. It's an email check, followed by answering the texts, and finally the Facebook app. Her 3G is doing triple duty, all day, every day. Funny thing is I want to join the bandwagon, I've been resisting the whole facebook deal for a long time. Yet its harder all the time, it just looks fun... How pathetic am I?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Taxes!! Lying Legislators and The Terminator

I've got a son who is about to turn 14 and has always been pretty bright. He's been an excellent student, almost straight A's, and he's a pretty decent kid overall. Like most teen boys he loves his Xbox, and the Internet. Unlike most teen boys he's usually reading two or three books at a time, and he also listens to talk radio.... So how does a teen boy spend his Saturday afternoon?

Turns out my son spent it at KFI's Tax Revolt 2009, which blows me away. I don't know one adult, including myself, that took the time to go. And really what the hell is Tax Revolt 2009? Turns out that it's actually a pretty important little gathering on a topic that affects he all, but I'd bet not one in ten Californians even knows about.

The budget fiasco that was in the news a few weeks back seemed to have gotten it's happy ending, but it didn't cost the usual $20 bucks. It actually cost about 28 billion dollars!! $28,000,000,000.00 This is the amount of new taxes we've been saddled with for the next 2 years... The cost for your car tags will double, the state sales tax us going up 9.25%, and now we will all be paying a "surcharge" on our income tax... Yes a tax on a tax. This budget also includes borrowing against future lottery sales ( supposed to be used only for schools), as well as using cigarette tax money ( supposed to be for healthcare if I remember correctly), and taking money from the millioaire taxes ( was supposed to fund mental health services).

This budget was passed by a shady, super secret, behind closed doors, and behond the green curtain alliance of Democrats, Republicans, and The Terminator. So what...? The Terminator was elected the first time so he could control wasteful government spending, and reduce our taxes. He was re-elected on a promise of NO NEW TAXES, and even campaigned for McCain saying Obama was going to raise our taxes. So what does he do? Signs a budget with the biggest single tax increase of any state in history...

The republicans in the state all run for office screaming how they'll never increase taxes. They even signed a no new taxes pledge this budget year, several of them went on KFI and on a show with about 3 million listeners promised no new taxes. The state of California needs a two thirds majority vote to pass new taxes, so the state democrats needed 3 republicans to renig their promise on the taxes, and they got them. Although it was a big production with lots of sleepless nights, and the legislators "locked in" until the budget passed, it was actually over easily. The republicans selected 3 people amongst themselves as a "sacrifice" to vote yes on the taxes and take the flack from the news and the public. One of the lambs got caught on radio admitting to it, saying he'd be "taken care of" later by the party.

The democrats of course are unabashed. We need more money, we're not cutting spending, and you the public will pay for it... Shameless but honest, what else to say?

If it's all said and done, the fat lady gave us her best, why is my son still out there revolting (and why aren't all of us there with him)? Turns out we're about to be propositioned... And not for a $20 happy ending. We are being offered two more years of higher taxes under the guise of a spending cap. Prop 1A in the special election promises to cap government spending, sort of... If the state revenues, pronounced taxes, increase the legislature can still increase spending. Also by "capping spending" we agree to let the legislature tax us for a total of 5 years instead of 2 at all the higher rates.

Not only are we voting to keep taxes higher, we are being lied to about it. Every election we get a voter guide, the little paper booklet that "explains" the props and gives the pro's and con's. It's supposed to be written by an impartial person, the person is selected by the legislature, and guess who's writing up Prop 1A. A tax loving democrat is writing both the pro and con, and omitting entirely that it will extend the taxes to 5 years. The terminator knows both of these things and he is out campaigning for the prop. The republicans know this and are keeping totally quiet, not a peep, not a complaint. The democrats are the architects of this and will not ever mention it.

As I write this Prop 1A is actually ahead in the polls... As I write this my 13 year old son has done more about this than anybody I know... We are a state and country of apathetic whiners, we suffer because we can't get off our asses and go complain, vote, spread the word. In short we suck, we are shitty citizens. I hope my son can maintain his interest in the political system, with the job we're doing his generation will be screwed. They will need so much help to get out of the hole we're digging them. And by the way there are 4 more shifty props out there. And we can still make a difference, and the fat lady isn't quite done... And maybe a 13 year old boy can shame us into action..,

Monday, March 2, 2009

I Really Like My Job But...

I, and most of the people I know work in healthcare. Actually I've been in healthcare for almost 15 years if you count school. Truth be told I really can't complain. The work is secure, people will always abuse and neglect themselves until they're absolute wrecks and then expect a magic pill to fix it all. As a whole the entire western world is aging, the percentage of elderly is climbing, people are living way too long, selfish bastards. The literal icing on the cake? We love good food, bad food, fast good, and we have of in abundance. A hog at the trough would be offended by most Americans. Basically the fat and old and infirm are keeping us living "high on the hog".

As a matter of fact about 7 years ago I went back to school to delve deeper into healthcare and now I'm a PA. Now I've got an even better perspective on healthcare, I get to deal with all the whiney bastards before they're too sick to appreciate what we do for them. I really do enjoy what I do, honestly I like helping people, but just once in a while the patients kill me...

I really like my job but:

When a patient comes in complaining "my baby is burning up with fever!" The logical next question how high was it? The answer "oh I didn't take it, but it was high." Makes me wanna pull my hair out!

A patient comes in and says " I'm taking my medecine like you said but I'm not better", at this point I sweat a little. Did I miss a diagnosis? Wrong meds? Has there been a complication... I ask "how long have you been taking the medecine?" And with a straight face "since yesterday." I really want to ask how he can possibly be serious, but... Whatever...

10 minutes to closing a patient will always run in the door "I'm a little late for my appointment, can I still be seen?." When was your appointment? Again, completely serious "8 AM". Almost drives me to tears...

You get a patient that just sat in the lobby short of breath and with chest pain for 2 hours and didn't think to mention it until you walk in and say hello... Can denial be so powerful...

A patient comes in with a huge black growth on their ear and says "I didn't want it to be something bad" , and I'm 99% sure it is...

A teenage girl comes in with stomach pain and a slight fever, and I worry maybe it's her appendix. So a stat ultrasound later I have to tell the patents she may have a tumor and needs to go in the hospital.

The same teenage girl is sent home with a tumor in her belly and no treatment because her parents refused on religious grounds... Could life be more cruel and unfair. Can people be so blinded by religion...

Immigration, Forgotten but Not Forgiven

As you can tell by my picture I'm a Mexican-American, according to my wife I'm only Mexican when its convenient - like she yells and I say "No speaka no english". To say that I'm torn by this issue is like saying that the Octomom has 'a few kids', it just doesnt begin to cover it. I'm in a not so unique position to appreciate both sides of the immigration debate, I'm from a family of Immigrants, I am an immigrant, and I see the burden and benefit of immigration.

Since the economy tanked, our homes are worth about ten dollars per dozen, and my neck hurts from looking over my shoulder wondering if my boss is about to sack me, we've all forgotten about our friends from down south. Immigration was all the rage about two years ago, everybody that was anybody had an opinion, and we all know the joke about opinions and assholes... During our last election though that concern dropped to about #10 on the top five election issues. In a sense the whole imploding economy & highest unemployment in about 25 years has handed the U.S. a solution.

The us Gub'ment has been looking for a solution to illegal immigration for about a hundred years. Peolple smarter and more educated than I will ever be have proposed solutions and policy changes: The Bracero Program, Immigration Reform circa 1986, migrant worker programs, etc. My favorite president ever ,GW Bush, was totally behind Immigration Reform II. He supported the McCain-Kennedy bill whole heartedly, a bill by a presidential wanna-be Republican and the last member of America's Royal Family. This most current idea would've fined illegal aliens for their crimes and forced the repayment of back taxes, and provided "a path to citizenship". This enlightened path would've allowed about 10 million new residents to the US. And it would've done a whole lot of nothing but invite 10 million more of my border brothers here.

Every US plan to date has revolved around containment: border patrols, cameras, sensors, fences, etc. Play that hi-larious video though and you get a microcosm of how all of those ideas have worked out. Its a 2500 mile border with Mexico to the south and there is just no way 5000, 10000, or 100,000 agents will control it, they are just outnumbered by the millions willing to make the dash to the promised land. Many hard liners are pushing for a double layer fence to fix it all, but just ask Israel how well that fence keeps weapons out of Gaza.

What works best when you have ants at your picnic? Do you run around stamping the all out, or do you dig a little moat around your blanket? Do you scoop up handfuls of ant and throw them back on their mound? What does the sensible person do.... I speak for myself here and say that I would pack up the food, and the leave the ants nothing to come after. As the economy has crashed and nobody is building homes and nobody eats out, and we all wash our own cars, and in general the jobs have dried up the immigration problem has let up. For the first time in decades border crossings are down, immigrants are returning home, remittances to Latin-America are down. If the model of internal inforcement were followed this drop would be sustained and accelerated. Problem solved.

I'm sure my fellow Mexican Americans out there are screaming "sell out", "hypocrite", and "two face". I say not, if my native land is forced to deal with a populace that is uneducated, underpayed and abused - if the land holding, billionare, political elite are just challenged. If latin America could break out the mold that holds them down, then we just might see the dictators ousted and see some real progress to make this beaner proud.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

TGIF, Even Though its Saturday

My wife and I usually go out to lunch on Saturdays after my day of backbreaking physical labor at the peds clinic. This Saturday we decided to break up the routine and hit TGIF's instead of our usual pretentious meals at pseudo upscale Mediterranean places, or taking a jaunt out Belmont Shores (because we wouldn't be caught at a regular OC eatery). I suppose we should've taken the hint when we walked and were greeted with a warning.

As soon as we passed the double doors we are greeted by "welcome to TGIF, we only have 2 servers today so its gonna take a while." My wife and I exchanged a puzzled glance and the hostess follow up with "but the bar has a full menu and regular waiters", so against better judgement we went and sat down. The bar is like any contemporary Restaurant Americana, granite counter tops, art deco stools, the quasi-nostalgic sports memorabilia on the walls, mixed in with black and white celebrity pics of the 50's, 60's, and 70's. And of course the multiple flat panel TV's adorning all the empty spaces, spewing mind numbing emptiness (Nascar and snowboarding), all of this blasted out by the 90's pop/rock sound track, which actually turned out to be the hi-light of my day.

Our server slash bartender did an amazing job of ignoring us, really amazing considering we sat right at the bar with only one other couple there to obscure her vision. She greeted us with a strained smile, and I placed our drink order while my wife whispered to me if I thought she was an old looking young woman, or a young looking older woman. I was just fascinated by her red bouffant lending her the look of a poodle with her hair dyed red. Unfortunately for my wife and her bouts of hypoglycemia the service was as slow as promised, giving plenty of time for one of our favorite pass times of people watching.

The other folks in the bar represented a slice out the American Melting Pot. We had the baseball cap wearing, beer swilling, tank top wearing, Nascar loving rednecks, complete with bad hair and a very mannish woman. Several groups of young people sporting faux-hawks, big jewelry, big buckles and dates with big hair. Our favorite was an intense looking woman sporting a porno style silk scarf and her equally intense husband with beautifully manicured eyebrows. They did everything with zeal, from the thorough reading of the menu prior to ordering, lest the miss an important detail, to the rapid and businesslike interaction with the poodle/server. Even when their meal arrived the act of eating was intense and purposeful, looking straight ahead without conversation. Stab the meat with the fork, slice with the knife, in the mouth and chew 32 times before swallowing and repeat. Fascinating, like synchronized swimmers in designer clothes hitting the poses perfectly. The only moment of levity was when our male lead signed for his check after flourishing his Mont Blanc pen three or four times and then almost strutted out without it, the porno scarf lady gave a little forced chortle and sent him back for it post haste. He still manged a marvelous impression of a rooster as he strutted past us on the way out. I told my wife "quick hand me my Mont Blanc that looked so fun".

The food was OK, the company was excellent, and the entertainment was spectacular. Thank you TGIF for a great Saturday.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Annoying Ads, Our Lying Legislators, and The Terminator

So two hours into the vast empire of Blogdom I've already decided to feed the corporate beast that is Google Inc., I've decided to see if I can generate some cash here with some Internet ads. Times are hard and I need to feed the corporate beast that is McDonald's (and many other fine fast food establishments), and the corpulent beast that is my stomach. And lets certainly not forget 4 teenage kids, three hungry dogs, and my lovely wife (gorgeous beast). Since I love living the "American Dream" lets add on: a mortgage, three cars and their associated expenses, cable, Internet (my yellow brick road to riches), the indispensable cell phones (all 5 of them), and ad nauseum.... So all of these fantastic services and objects have taxes attached to them: sales tax, gas tax, property tax, Internet surtax, federal surtaxes on phones and so on (now I'm nauseated). All of this so that we may collectively feed the unholiest of all beasts: Our duly elected government.

Our state government has a constitutional duty to have a balanced budget by June 30th of each year, and this year our budget for June 30th, 2008 was done by February, of 2009... Hooray for us we have a budget!!! Its a budget that's 111 billion dollars ($111,000,000,000.00), not to mention the additional billions of federal matching funds and directed funds. So why exactly are the state legislature and governor crying over money? Why is the richest state in the union, the sixth largest economy of the world on the verge of bankruptcy? So what took so long to get a budget together? At home we all have budgets, you pay the important bills, and if your lucky you have a little extra for the drugs and the midget porn at the end of the month.

California has a mini-congress set up, two houses of reps, and the make the budget and The Terminator signs it and everybody is happy. For the past five years though the state has been spending more than it collects in revenue (that's politico speak for the second highest tax rate in America). Every year the size of the state budget has increased ever since Arnold promised to stop wasteful spending from about 75 billion 5 years ago to our current bloated balance sheet.

The legislators here in the sunshine state come in two flavors, Democrat & Republican. The Democrats have been shameless in saying that its their job to "redistribute wealth" and maintain social programs, translation, if you make a decent income your going to be flipped over and done dry... The Republicans on the other hand are against taxation, to a degree, they want to lower taxes on business and wealthy people for a "trickle down effect", as the rich and businesses prosper they hire more and provide insurance and security to the working class, trickling down money to us common folk. You also get a trickle down effect when the upstairs neighbor overflows the toilet, in either case both are full of shit and you suffer for it.

You and me and the collective "we" all pay for welfare, food stamps, medi-cal etc. We also pay for public schools, fire and police departments, as well as the prison system. Unfortunately for us our social welfare programs have no over site and no time limits and nobody keeping an eye on where the money goes. What we do have is Democratically controlled state congress that thinks this is an excellent way to run things, and an impotent Republican minority that has just bent over and cried uncle under the pressure of the ruling party.

I'm slipping into an ugly rant here, and this is getting a little long.... I'll do the cliff-hanger and try and wrap it up in another part...

Oral Excrecences Clogging the Bowels of the Internet or My New Blog

Up until now I've been reluctant to do anything related to spouting off on-line. Really who the hell cares if I share myspace, or place my face in anybody's book? Blogging, well that seems a supreme waste of digital horsepower... better to join SETI or study gene folding. My wife seems to be of the opinion that I'm a little informed and a little bit intelligent - but not on any matters of art, literature, or basic understanding of human emotions - so I know nothing about anything that she loves. But thanks to my co-worker/friend Kristen and my desire to be a lemming here i go, answering all the questions nobody asked and putting my protuberant proboscis where it wasn't invited.

Usually I avoid any public expression of my opinions, no surer way to make enemies and start fights than to discuss politics and religion. None the less I'll do it anyway, it's my civic duty to tell everybody what I think and why they should agree. Politicians, athletes, and actors do it all the time and they're all rich and famous, so maybe....? I'm sure my logic there is impeccable. Hopefully I can actually keep this up and expand my horizons and learn about worthwhile pursuits as well like art, literature, and tabloid journalism.

Whatever the reason here we go, I invite anybody to criticize and comment to their hearts content. Just lets all play nice...