Thursday, July 23, 2009

So adding to my previous entry, I hooked my iPhone to my blog... So now I can bore people at will. I can also Twitter from my iPhone, and Twitter about my blog, and I can Digg my blog after I Twitter it... On my iPhone. It's disgusting, the tentacles of the social networks are slowly taking over. If you wanna see something really iPhone cool, check out my Twitter, there is an app in the works that can use the iPhone camera and find them on social networks. It's amazing facial recognition... It's really scary too....

The inexorable pull of the net...

It seems that all of humanity is being slowly sucked into a massive black hole. The rate of this slide is accelerating at an amazing pace. The internet, the once expected saviour of humanity, the panacea of knowledge and information exchange, the great white hope... is now dominated by Facebook and Twitter, and Myspace. Social networking is the raison d'etre for the internet.

And as I rage about it I'm sucked right in. I joined twitter and am kind of a junkie, a little post here a little there. A quick check for mentions and replies. A little sneak peek won't hurt anybody, will it? Do you think that the patient in room 3 would mind waiting for 3 minutes while I tweet about how funny their kid's name is? Wait a second while I examine the babies and I'll be right back to finish this...

I just 3 minutes ago joined Digg, so that I can influence the vast unwashed masses. "Here is what I think matters", now follow blindly... Digg sort of has a purpose it seems, million of users sift through billions of pages and hopefully a little gem is washed out of the detrus. Yet, the black hole pulls, millions of people are on the net sifting... Not working, not doing their respective jobs, not talking with their fellow man, not living life. Did I mention that the patient in room 4 has been waiting for me for about ten minutes?

In my own home the vortex is becoming more powerful. My wife enjoys her facebook, she is absolutely enamored of it. About a year ago she really fought me about getting an iPhone, "what do I need it for?", "It's a toy for overgrown boys", "I only need a phone for emergencies and a few friends/family". On and on, but she relented, and now... Suffice to say it's usually the last thing in her hand at night (unless I've been especially charming that day)and the first thing she picks up come sunrise. It's an email check, followed by answering the texts, and finally the Facebook app. Her 3G is doing triple duty, all day, every day. Funny thing is I want to join the bandwagon, I've been resisting the whole facebook deal for a long time. Yet its harder all the time, it just looks fun... How pathetic am I?